In the year 2032, a mysterious masked man fights organized crime and seeks to end the life of Harold Pierre, CEO of PierreCorp, whom he blames for the death of his loved ones. Pierre is alleged to control a major criminal network across the United States, involved in illicit activities such as prostitution rings, illegal cloning, and other forms of biological experimentation. However, the masked man is also pursued by the law, which has isolated him from legal avenues of seeking justice, forcing him to turn to dark forces that grant him supernatural abilities to confront his enemies. Yet, using these powers comes at a cost—something that may forever take away his humanity, his freedom, and even his chance at finding happiness again.
Amidst a relentless battle against a powerful corporate villain, responsible for numerous crimes against humanity, demonic forces emerge—will they become an obstacle? or a valuable, yet terrifying ally?
After leaving Black Port City to put all his troubling past behind him, he journeys to Mount Okan in Hokkaido, Japan, to undergo rigorous training with his ninja master, Hirotaro Tokugawa. Six years later, he returns to Black Port, seeking a personal vendetta against Harold Pierre, the mob boss and CEO of PierreCorp. Hunted by the police and unable to gain allies through legal means, he makes a pact with dark forces, granting him supernatural abilities to overcome his enemies. However, this pact comes at a cost—he forfeits his ability to feel human emotions, such as empathy, joy, and love. When his human side vanishes, his demonic side emerges…
Journalist and best-selling author. She is the co-protagonist and joins Death Mask in a crusade to dismantle the horrors hidden by PierreCorp and his corrupt CEO. Despite her tender and sweet appearance, she is a strong, resilient woman, capable of enduring dangerous situations and risky missions that most women couldn't. Despite her recklessness throughout this mission, she demonstrates that her intentions are pure and her heart is made of gold. She is the character with the biggest evolution in this story.
Ex-military man with specialization in electronics engineering, and expert in advanced weapons prototypes, modified land, water, and air vehicles, navigation and tracking devices, plus all sorts of gadgets. Henry never felt part of the army, being a much more laid-back guy, having joined only to follow in his father's footsteps. Now, he has joined Death Mask and Amanda Coleman in the mission to uncover all the dirty businesses and illegal activities carried out by Harold Pierre and his company.
FBI Agent Richard Fox seeks to end the mission of his disappeared colleague Frank McCoy and prosecute PierreCorp for alleged illicit activities. Fox knows the masked vigilante known as Death Mask since he was a kid, so he covers his tracks to prevent his from being caught from the police and other FBI agents. Fox asks Amanda Coleman to join Death Mask in a crusade to help him collect sufficient evidence across the country against PierreCorp and reopen the case.
CEO of PierreCorp. The main villain of this story. Pierre is also the leader of a major network of organized crime across the US and he has managed to masquerade many of the illegal activities he endorses, such as sexual trade, illegal cloning and other biological experimentations. Pierre is the man that Death Mask hates the most on the face of the earth, as the masked man blames him for the deaths of his loved ones.
A witch with deep knowledge of the dark arts. She teaches Death Mask how to invoke demons from the underworld and use their powers to overcome his enemies in his fight against organized crime, but in payment, she demands something of great sacrifice in exchange for her aid.
Hirotaro is a descendant of the last survivor of an ancient samurai dynasty that waged war against Japan’s Emperor. In the present, he has formed his own group of ninja warriors, the Tokugawa clan. Death Mask was one of his students.
After Fox offers Death Mask the mission, he travels back to Japan to ask Hirotaro for some help. His old master teaches him how to prepare modified metsubushi with the venom of the Japanese purple-tailed scorpion, along with other tools. Hirotaro also possesses knowledge of the dark arts.
Walter Gilbert is the head of an illegal business that was carried out at night. Multiple young men and women, including minors, were abducted and taken into a secret, lavish brothel hidden in the middle of the Nevada desert masqueraded as a hotel, where girls and boys alike were forced to have sex with powerful clients. Amanda attends the place posing as a client to get his invitation and gain access to this lavish place and collect evidence to show the FBI.
Amelia is Gilbert's partner in the business. She helpes by abducting girls and boys into Gilbert's den of vice, often "initiating" the virgin captives before their first encounters with the clients. She is beautiful as she is perverse and nymphomaniac. Apart from helping Gilbett abducting teenagers, she tends to participate in the public sex shows where teens are forced to engage with clients.
Aria. One of the teenagers held captive in the brothel. Like many others trapped in this place, she had to fulfill a quota: to please 300 customers before getting her freedom.
Esperanza is the woman that Death Mask lost to Harold Pierre’s organized crime, the only woman he ever loved, and one of the reasons the masked man seeks vengeance. During the story, she only appears as a spirit and during flashbacks.
Zamira is another witch in this story, but unlike Nerezza, who is usually true to her word, she only seeks to benefit herself and grow more powerful in the mastery of the dark arts. At first sight, she is a gorgeous witch, but beware of what lurks within; she can become a perilous woman...
Murdock is the President of PierreGen, and who manages all of Pierre’s dirty businesses in the northeast of the United States. He oversees secret experimentation, leading a scientists team that performs illegal cloning and experiments with humans, approved by Pierre, keeping the board of directors at bay, who are unaware of this. He is the cruelest man under Pierre’s command
Stannis is one of the scientists hired by Murdock to carry out all the illegal experimentation that takes place in the hidden labs of PierreGen. He tricks Death Mask and Amanda into going to a sublevel of the facilities where a bunch of monstrosities await the arrival of the unfortunate…
This two-headed girl is one of the mutations Amanda finds inside PierreGen’s hidden premises when she and the masked man infiltrate the place. She guides Amanda through the facilities to reach the rest of the captives. This little girl’s charm is only matched by her terrible fate…
This is one of the creatures Death Mask found at one of the lower levels in the facilities of PierreGen: part man, part insect, part pig, and part lizard. Hidden from the outer world and the truth, this mutated man believes he is living in the midst of World War II, still…
This demon with telepathic powers appears upon invocation, only after undergoing a ritual with a witch. Death Mask uses the power of this demon on several occasions to trick his enemies’ minds and to gain access to certain places.
This fire demon was the first demonic entity that Death Mask summoned to attack Pierre and his men. It occurred seven years before this story takes place, and it only appears in a flashback.
This demon possesses the power to replicate environments from other planets or other hellish worlds. Death Mask summons this demon at the underground caves to fight PierreGen’s men, bringing forth one of the most terrible environments that humans could possibly experience…
This is a demon with psychic powers that Death Mask summons to defeat Amanda’s captors and later punish the witch Zamira for tricking him into the spiritual dimension “Mahaska Lagk.”
The demon with the strength of a hundred men. When Death Mask assaults Pierre’s mansion, he sees himself cornered by several of his men, forcing him to summon Titan to acquire his tremendous might and beat his men with extreme brute force.
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What are people saying about the book on Goodreads?
“I enjoyed every page of it. It sets a new superhero profile quite different from the kind we are accustomed to seeing in superhero stories from comic books like Marvel or DC, as it's much darker and more adult-oriented!” —Arthur Johnson.
“The protagonist wasn’t just a hero with supernatural abilities; he was a deeply flawed, human character caught between avenging his loved ones and losing himself to the dark forces that gave him power. The emotional stakes were through the roof, and I couldn’t help but feel for him every step of the way. I could see the smoky back alleys, feel the tension in every fight, and hear the haunting silence in the protagonist’s loneliest moments. The story balanced fast-paced action with raw emotional depth, and I loved every second of it.” —Belinda Smith.
“It's remarkable how the imagery of a film unfolds in your mind, vividly detailed, just moments into reading. Typically, I steer clear of this genre, but the intriguing cover piqued my curiosity and the story surpassed all expectations. It's a breezy, engaging read all the way through.” —Andrea.
“From the first page, you're immersed in a twisted and intriguing world where the line between hero and antihero blurs. Far from the classic savior, the protagonist is dark, complex, and deeply human, crafting a story filled with action and supernatural elements, thoughtfully geared toward an adult audience. With moral dilemmas and an atmosphere brimming with tension, unexpected twists shatter expectations, leaving readers eager to see this plot brought to the big screen.” —Enzo C.
“A captivating story that redefines the superhero genre, blending the thriller and action elements typical of a plot revolving around organized crime with the supernatural elements behind each of the character's actions. It's the first time I've read a dark fantasy story where sensitive topics like sex trafficking or illegal cloning are addressed. A highly recommendable book!” —Verified Goodreads Reader.
The English edition of this book will be released in the first quarter of 2025.
In the present, different people of outstanding and above-average intellect hear a melody of six musical notes whose meaning they do not know and which otherwise come from an unknown source. In the past, more than a hundred, even thousands of years ago, notable scientists and philosophers also hear the same melody, among them, Plato, Copernicus, and Charles Darwin. These remarkable characters in the history of humankind will have to leave clues for future generations to discover how to maneuver the destiny of humanity, as it all seems to be the work of an ancient alien civilization that intends to deliver an important message to selected humans on Earth and only those who deserve it.
Homo sapiens evoluti is marvelous story where history, philosophy, and science fiction come together in a journey of more than two thousand years in which the reader gets to know closely the reasoning of historical characters and how their different approaches to the world and human life can attract the interest of evolved beings from outer space.